Performance Management Solutions

 (Activity Based Costing, Business Process Improvement, Performance Measurement, Resource Based Budgeting, Customer Profitability Analytics, FP&A)

With over 100 performance management related projects completed in Australia and overseas, High Perform offer best practice design, implementation and training solutions and services that support organisations in both private and public sectors to achieve operational excellence and tangible outcomes that:

Reduce Costs

Improve Performance

Optimise Profitability 

Selected Projects

High Perform has implemented performance management solutions in large and medium sized organisations in several business sectors over the past 20 years. The following is a synopsis of major projects led by High Perform in three sectors.

Banking & Finance

Major Australian Bank

Design of a multidimensional financial model and its implementation in a specialist software toolset to generate customer, product and branch cost and profitability information and market sector performance analytics.

Higher Education

Two Australian Universities

Engaged by two universities over a ten year period to design, implement and maintain activity based costing models to analyse financial results by faculty, program and course unit level by student.


Australian State Agencies

Activity based cost modelling in Corporate Shared Services functions across 18 state government departments targeting cost reduction, benchmarking, process improvements and  standardisation of services.

Contact Us

If you would like more information of our services or a demonstration of our solutions and their benefits, please contact us, free of any obligation. We would be delighted to serve you.


Phone: +61 (0) 418 532 287

Case Study - Large Airline

IATA, the International Air Transport Association, reports that only a mere handful of the worlds 1600+ commercial passenger airlines succeed at achieving financial and economic returns consistently in the medium to long term.
Our client, a highly recognisable international airline brand is one such, as well as a great success story in aviation history. Repeatedly, an award winner in every aspect of its operations, it is well known for innovative full service, outstanding customer satisfaction and safety record. Behind the scenes, the airline is equally fastidious of its management of revenue and cost.
The challenge High Perform took on was to support short term decision making by designing a business model that could generate short term profitability analytics of its operations at fluctuating levels of demand and ticket pricing, identify and quantify the cost of sub-optimal utilisation of structural, fixed and variable resource capacities.
Although the airline had several financial models, their focus was mainly on revenue. On the cost side, most airlines are content on monitoring major costs such as crews, aviation fuel and finance leases. Astute operators are aware of and act on optimising the efficiency of all spending. In an industry where margins are wafer thin, this can make the difference between superior performance and mere survival.
This was the first time management had attempted to ascertain route and flight cost and profitability at a granular level on a dynamic basis using actual and forecast seat reservation data. Anecdotal evidence is that it was also a first for an airline to use detailed transactional level 'big data' (passenger by class by flight) in a financial modelling exercise of this nature.
It will come as no surprise that year after year this airline achieves exceptional financial results and continues to grow from strength to strength, an outcome of its unwavering pursuit of operational excellence. The contribution to better decision making provided by advanced profitability analytics is not to be discounted.